
MDF-200M For Military-Grade Biological Decontamination

Originally developed under the sponsorship of the US Departments of Energy and Homeland Security, MDF-200M is a potent decontaminant with a wide variety of applications.

Span-World LLC proudly supplies the men and women of the United States military with this effective product (link to products page). From providing  antimicrobial treatment to performing the neutralization of biological and chemical weapons, MDF-200M helps to ensure the safety and well-being of America’s armed forces. Test data available upon written request.

MDF-200M : Providing Complete Chemical Decontamination

This safe, eco-friendly product eliminates any pathogen from any surface area. Independent laboratory tests have confirmed that this unique formula is effective against numerous weaponized biological and chemical agents.

Providing thorough biological decontamination, MDF-200M destroys:

Product Documentation

Please refer to the supporting documents for MDF-200M

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